Rock climbing gear Canada
No, we will supply all the rock climbing safety equipment and rock climbing shoes for your Intro-level courses. If you do have any gear of your own though, please bring it so you can practice with your own equipment.
Rock Climbing is a very safe sport when conducted properly. Just like driving a car though, there are rules and safety precautions that must be followed in order to maintain safety. Rock Climbing has inherent risks that cannot be completely removed, though. Our Guides are here to teach you the safest methods and techniques possible to ensure you can pursue climbing as a safe recreational sport for as long as you wish!
This is a course in outdoor climbing skills, all techniques and skills can be safely taught in most conditions, including rain showers. Our Rock Climbing Intro courses focus on many skills such as belaying, knots, communication skills and movement techniques that all can be throughly (and safely) covered in virtually any conditions and do not require a rain-free environment.
In the event that the weather forecast is deemed too severe to run the course (electrical storms, heavy rain warnings, etc) our Guides will notify the participants in advance. Due to the ever-changing nature of weather, this decision may not be made until 24 hours before the course start. If you do not hear from Canada West Mountain School staff or Guides before your course, please plan on arriving at the scheduled meeting location and time.