May 23, 2017

Climbing harness Sizing
The most advanced and safest harnesses available. We have all but eliminated the concept of low-strength components. By engineering safety into each and every harness, we hope to eliminate basic mistakes, which can and do result in injury or death. Additionally, our patented adjustable-rise system allows you to adjust this critical component to your exact dimensions. This system is unique to the Safe Tech line.
- Engineered to provide every possible extra margin of safety
- Each component has been designed for maximum strength without excessive weight or bulk.
- All structural systems of the harness have been made as redundant and error-proof as possible.
- Wherever possible, each component is engineered to withstand a load of 2000 lbf (9 kN). This is typically the maximum impact force rating of a modern climbing rope.
- Non-directional tie-in points maintain their strength even if the rope is routed incorrectly.
- Waist belt webbing shows color pattern change when correctly double-passed.
- Waist buckle shows "DANGER" if not correctly double passed.