Outdoor Rock climbing Dallas
Amarillo Rock Climbing House (ARCH)
500 S Fannin St., Amarillo, Texas 79106
(806) 418-2431
Amarillo Rock Climbing House (ARCH)
Main wall is 22 feet tall with over 2, 000 sq ft of climbing surface. There are many overhanging features along with an arch. 1, 500 sq. feet of bouldering surface with a full cave.
608 E. Front, Arlington, Texas 76011
(817) 461-3966
25 foot tall climbing gym. 15, 000 square feet of artificial rock climbing gym surface. 2, 000 square feet of dedicated bouldering.
Austin Bouldering Project
979 Springdale Rd, Austin, TX 78702
512) 645-4633
Austin Bouldering Project
Austin Bouldering Project offers a friendly, welcoming and beautiful space to climb, exercise, and socialize.
Crux Climbing Center
121 Pickle Rd, Austin, TX
(512) 931-3911
Crux Climbing Center
Located just off of bustling South Congress, Crux provides a beautiful open space that promotes hanging out with friends and building a fun, vibrant community. The gym is event-driven, with a steady stream of activities throughout every month and an 80ft long configurable bouldering wall that changes shape throughout the year. 24hr-access to a huge bouldering cave is available to members, and the "crew" membership offers big savings to friends and groups like typical "family" memberships, but without the need to be a family. Yoga and fitness are available for free to day users and members alike. A kids room will help the little ones to go home ready for bed.
Main Event Entertainment
13301 North Hwy 183, Austin, Texas 78750
(512) 401-0000
Main Event Entertainment
8, 500 sq ft rock climbing arena, 28' climbing gyms with 25 auto-belay stations and 12 top-rope belay stations. Climbs from 5.7 to 5.12. Also has 3 cracks, a vertical finger crack, vertical hand crack, and a slab fist crack.
North Austin Rock Gym
8300 N. Lamar, Austin, Texas 78753
(512) 416-9299
North Austin Rock Gym
Huge bouldering gym with a 30 ft bouldering. The fall zone angles up with the incline of the wall to keep fall distance less. There are a few top rope climbs.
South Austin Rock Gym
4401 Freidrich Lane, Austin, Texas 78744
(512) 416-9299
South Austin Rock Gym
30 ft high sculpted and textured climbing gym. They gym has 10, 000 sq ft of of climbing area including a lead area and bouldering cave.
The Wall Indoor Rock Climbing Boerne Gymnastics Center
105 Stonegate Road, Boerne, Texas 78006
(830) 816-9496
The Wall Indoor Rock Climbing Boerne Gymnastics Center
The indoor climbing wall is open by appointment only. Please call to schedule a time to climb.Located 30 minutes west of San Antonio on IH 10.
North Texas Outdoor Pursuit Center (formerly Stoneworks)
1003 Fourth Ave, Carrollton, Texas 75006
North Texas Outdoor Pursuit Center (formerly Stoneworks)
At the North Texas Outdoor Pursuit Center (NTOPC) we are passionate about outdoor adventure, and we want to share it with as many people as possible. Our facility is located in the historic grain silos of old Downtown Carrollton, Texas, just north of Downtown Dallas. Inside a world of adventure possibilities awaits- with the world’s tallest indoor climbing routes, a map/book room, lounge area, classroom, and strength and conditioning equipment, we have everything you need to make your next adventure happen. If you are serious about outdoor adventure (or you want to be) this is the place for you. We are not a “climbing gym” in the traditional sense- we consider our facility a place to train for outdoor adventure sports and activities. For this reason everything we do is just like we would do in the outdoors. We’ll teach you the same techniques we use outside. And if you’ve never climbed outside before, this is a great place to make the transition! We offer way more than climbing, too. With our amazing trips, classes, and sense of community, if you are interested in outdoor adventure you are sure to find a place here!
Summit Climbing Gym
2389 Midway Rd., Carrollton, Texas 75006
(972) 732 0307
Summit Climbing Gym
Climbing gym with 7, 000 sq. ft., 25 ft. tall lead and toprope walls and an extensive climbing gear shop. (Previously Exposure indoor rock climbing)
SMU Climbing Center
6000 Airline Dr., Dallas, Texas 75275
(214) 768-9917