Physical Training
Excalibur climbing Wall
Towering over 121 feet (37 meters) in the air, the Excalibur at the Klimcentrum Bjoeks (Bjoeks Climb Center) in the town of Groningen, The Netherlands, is considered to be the tallest climbing wall in the world. What makes climbing the Excalibur a challenge, aside from the monumental height, is a sleek curve 36 feet (11 meters) out from the base that creates an artificial overhang…
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Clint Eastwood climbing movie
It seems that every couple of years, Hollywood gets the idea to make a movie with climbing as the main theme. For real climbers, these are usually amusing affairs with all kinds of technical blunders, improper use of gear and lingo, and general mayhem. God only knows what kind of impression it gives the general public. After watching a couple of these recently, I put together…
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Climbing gym Washington DC
The wait is over—Earth Treks is coming to the DC Metro area! We are thrilled to announce plans to open a fifth climbing gym and our first located within the Washington, D.C. beltway. A grand opening is planned for mid to late July 2016. True to form, Earth Treks’ newest facility will be industry leading in amenities and size. With a massive footprint exceeding 45, sq ft, the…
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Climbing flowers for shade
Dr. Carol Kranig Dr. Kevin Thomas 3795 Tuxedo Rd Atlanta, GA 30305 A lush retreat unfolds behind this elegant 1936 Tuxedo Park home. Thirty years in the making, gardenias, camellias and boxwoods frame a serene pool area shaded by mature wax myrtles, palms and a cherry tree. Sculptures are interwoven across 1.5 acres from a totem pole nestled in the shade to abstract figures…
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Christmas Mountain Wisconsin Dells
Welcome to Christmas Mountain Village, Wisconsin Dells premier golf and ski resort. Guests of this resort enjoy one of the Dells best 27-hole championship golf courses and a pristine groomed hill for downhill and cross country skiing in the winter. The twenty-seven hole golf course winds through the middle of the resort offering great views and recreation during the summer…
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Canada Goose Mountaineer Jacket
Canadians know all about cold, and how to survive it. It’s therefore not surprising that Canada Goose is recognized worldwide as a leading manufacturer of extreme weather jackets and outerwear. From its small beginnings in a Toronto warehouse in 1957, Canada Goose has captured its leading role through a combination of quality, craftsmanship, and expert design. At the heart…
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Amarillo rock climbing House
1986 Following a number of trouble free years in Space Exploration the Space Shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after take off watched by people live on TV around the world. The Internet Mail Access Protocol defined which opens the way for E-Mail and the same year the Human Genome Project is launched to understand the Human Makeup , this will open the way for great advances…
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